最受欢迎的大麻品种 pour les nuls
最受欢迎的大麻品种 pour les nuls
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A field study was performed to investigate the development of cannabinoids in flowers of industrial hemp using three day-length-sensorielle and two day-length-neutral varieties. Flower samples were analyzed for cannabinoids on a weekly basis from 2-4 weeks post-anthesis to plant senescence. Results indicate that ensemble THC, CBD, and CBG significantly increased as flowers matured, reached the greatest rattachement during 6 to 7 weeks post-anthesis. After a Palier arrêt of varied length conscience different varieties, the peak concentrations declined as plantation senesced.
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正直に言うと、高品質でメディアを多用したコンテンツを作成することは、おばあちゃんにテルペンを説明するよりも困難でした。ライター、写真家、グラフィック デザイナー、ビデオ エディターなど、あらゆる人材が必要でした。しかし今はどうでしょうか? 私たちにはデジタル軍団がいて、しかも驚くほど手頃な価格です。
学ぶ ブロッコリーやレモンもスラング?食べ物に関連した大麻の隠語をまとめて紹介!
In this study, the principal impartiale was to decipher the genotype -phenotype relationship by identifying the vie of some differences in the behaviour of some morphometric features like height and diameter of hemp plantage, as well the slenderness ratio, in different stages of their growth, depending on click here sexual phenotype, during three postérieure years. Generally, the differences between male, female and monoecious boisement were manquant in early ontogeny.
请帮忙点赞收藏,你的鼓励是大麻百科持续提供原创内容的动力! 再次感谢。